Sunday, August 13, 2017

Teaching Love, Not Hate


The Beautiful Human believes in teaching their children to love one another.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."  ~Martin Luther King Jr.

Hatred is not the answer.  Nothing good can come from it.  Hatred poisons the mind and divides us.  We only have to look at human history to see how destructive hatred can be: During World War II, the Nazis wanted to exterminate all the Jewish people.  In the United States, there was an attempt to wipe out all the Native Americans.  Recently, in Charlottesville, Virginia, strong hatred by white supremacists caused an act of terrorism.  A young man with the intention to hurt and kill, drove his car into a crowd, causing death and injury.

What can cause a fellow human to want to harm and kill another?  Only an un-awakened brainwashed person would purposely want to do that.  We are not born to hate.  Hatred is something that is taught and learned.

In truth, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  Everything is interconnected.  What we do to others, we do to ourselves, and what we fail to do for others, we fail to do for ourselves.  We are only hurting our own spiritual growth and development if we hurt another. 

Love is the remedy that we are looking for.  It connects and unites us.  Love is the candle in our hearts that lights up the world.

The Beautiful Human connects to the unconditional love within.

Both art images taken from Leslie Marie Wheeler's "Beautiful Children's Positive Character Coloring Book, available on Amazon and Create Space.

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